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Last seen: vor 22 Stunden 58 Minuten
Beigetreten: 05.09.2012 - 21:33
Gebrauchte DS Außenspiegel

ein Ex-Clubmitglied und DS-Fahrer sprach mich an:

Zu verkaufen sind 2 Spiegel für DS. Preis VB.

Standort ist vermutlich Kelkheim im Taunus (zumindest während der Clubmitgliedschaft).
Kontakt: Uwe Tel. 06195-910142



Oreste Ruscasso
Last seen: vor 2 Jahre 10 Monate
Beigetreten: 02.08.2021 - 01:07
Request of Information

Good morning,

unfortunately I can't speak German, anyway I hope we will try to understand eachother.

I would like to understand if the mirrors are still available, and if yes I would like to know the price.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards.


Last seen: vor 22 Stunden 58 Minuten
Beigetreten: 05.09.2012 - 21:33
your RFI

Hi Oreste,

I placed that classified for a friend. Please contact Uwe at: +49 6195 910142


Bye Ralf

Oreste Ruscasso
Last seen: vor 2 Jahre 10 Monate
Beigetreten: 02.08.2021 - 01:07

Hi Ralf,

Forstly I thank you for your quick replay, but as I can't speak German and even English specially by phone (I'm asking my frend to help me in writing this email .. !!), it would be better for me if I could write and so I ask you if it's possible to have his email adress.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Kind regards.
